Loading Text Data for LLM Training

Preparing Raw Data for use with tatm

The tatm library provides tools for LLM and AI/ML training frameworks to access and use data stored on disk. In order for tatm to work with your data, you will need to create a metadata file that describes the data and how it is stored.

The tatm library provides an interactive CLI tool that can help you create this metadata file. To use this tool, run the following command from the directory where your data is stored:

tatm data create-metadata

The CLI tool will prompt you for information about your data, such as the name of the dataset, the path to the raw data files, and the format of the data. The tool will then create a metadata file that describes the data and how it is stored on disk. The tatm library uses this metadata file to load and process the data.

tatm assumes that your data is stored in a format that the huggingface datasets library can load. If your data is not in a format supported by datasets, you should create a custom dataset script that can load your data. More details on how to structure data for use with datasets can be found here. More details on what information is stored in the metadata file can be found here.

Tokenizing Raw Text Data with tatm

To train a LLM on text data, you must first convert the raw text data into tokenized data that the LLM can interpret. The tatm library includes functionality for creating arrays of tokens on disk that can be fed directly into a LLM training framework.

tatm runs using a ray based backend that can parallelize the tokenization across multiple CPUs and multiple nodes, enabling large datasets to be tokenized quickly and efficiently. tatm also includes functionality (tatm run) for interfacing with SLURM to submit tokenization jobs to a cluster with the proper settings and configuration.

Setting up your tatm Configuration File

To interface with SLURM and define your compute environment, tatm utilizes a configuration file that defines the SLURM partition, account, and other tokenization process settings. The file is passed to the tatm run command.

Below is an example configuration file with tatm installed in a conda environment named tatm_conda:

# Filename: $PWD/tatm_config.yaml
        - python/3.10.13-fasrc01 # maps to python/3.10.13-fasrc01
    conda_env: tatm_conda # Name of the conda environment to use, also works with full paths to the conda environment
    partition: example # SLURM partition to use for the job
    account: example # SLURM account to use for the job

For full details on how to configure tatm, see the Configuring tatm documentation.

Running the tokenization process

To run the tokenizer on SLURM, use the the command tatm run with the tokenize subcommand and the appropriate arguments/options. tatm will create a submission script based on the configuration file and run time options, wrap the ray based tokenization process in a SLURM job, and submit the job to the cluster. The options available to the tatm run command are documented in the CLI documentation and mirror the flags available to the sbatch command.

To review the submission script before submitting the job, use the --no-submit flag to prevent the job from being submitted. The submission script will be created in the current working directory and will be named tatm_tokenize.submit. The executed sbatch command will output to the console.

The tokenization script uses a Ray backend to spin up multiple CPU based tokenization workers and process examples into sequences of tokens in parallel. By default, the number of workers is determined automatically by the resources available to the Ray cluster. You can specify the a different number of workers to use with the --num-workers flag.

The command below shows an example tatm run command to tokenize a dataset. It creates a 4 node ray cluster with 40 CPUs per node to tokenize the dataset located at /n/holylfs06/LABS/kempner_shared/Everyone/testbed/text/redpajama-v1:arxiv and outputs the tokenized data to a directory named tokenized_redpj_arxiv1 in the current working directory. Note that the data at /n/holylfs06/LABS/kempner_shared/Everyone/testbed/text/redpajama-v1 has already been prepared with a metadata file. The colon : specifies the arxiv corpus within the dataset. The handling of sub-corpora, implemented by the huggingface dataset script, is dataset-specific and may not be supported by all datasets.

tatm run --conf $PWD/tatm_config.yaml -N 4 -c 40 tokenize \
  --output-dir $PWD/tokenized_redpj_arxiv \

This will submit a slurm job creating the Ray cluster. The tokenize command will utilize the Ray cluster to tokenize arxiv corpus the dataset located at /n/holylfs06/LABS/kempner_shared/Everyone/testbed/text/redpajama-v1 and output the tokenized data to the directory tokenized_redpj_arxiv in the current working directory. This will also create a metadata file associated with the tokenized data that can be used to load the tokenized data into a PyTorch model for training. The metadata file, metadata.json,will be located in the output directory. It will also include information about the tokenizer, including the tokenizer’s vocabulary and configuration, as well as the version of Huggingface tokenizers and tatm used to tokenize the data.


If your site is set up with a shared backend, you’ll be able to use semantic data names in addition to paths. See Metadata Store Setup for more information.

By default the tokenize command uses the t5-base tokenizer from Huggingface. You can specify a different tokenizer to use with the --tokenizer flag. You can either pass the name of a tokenizer available from HuggingFace or pass the path to a huggingface compatible tokenizer json file.

Finding and Selecting Data available within the Testbed

The Kempner AI Testbed provides access to a variety of datasets that can be used for training and evaluation of LLMs. We are in the ongoing process of curating and preparing these datasets for use with the tatm library. In a future release, we will make available a metadata service that will enable users to search for and access datasets available within the testbed, as well as allowing users to easily get information on what corpuses and tokenized versions are available for a given dataset. For now, for specific dataset questions please reach out to the Kempner Research and Engineering team.

For now, a list of available corpora for a dataset can be found in the metadata for prepared datasets. Note that a corpus tends to be a 1:1 mapping to the “name” concept within a Huggingface dataset. The handling of corpora is implemented by the huggingface dataset script, is dataset-specific and may not be supported by all datasets.

For specifying a corpus of a given dataset the current syntax is <DATASET_PATH>[:<CORPUS_NAME>]. The : is used to specify the corpus name. If no corpus is specified, the default corpus will be used.

Loading Tokenized Data with tatm for use with PyTorch

Once you have tokenized your data, you can load it into a PyTorch dataset using the tatm library. The tatm library provides a PyTorch compatible dataset class that can be used to load tokenized data into a PyTorch model for training (tatm.data.TatmMemmapDataset). You can then load the dataset into a PyTorch DataLoader and use it to train your model. The TatmMemmapDataset implements the appropriate __getitem__ and __len__ methods to be compatible with PyTorch’s Dataset API and supports integration with the Pytorch DistrubutedSampler for distributed training.

In the example code below, we show how to create a PyTorch dataloader with a tokenized dataset for use with a model.

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

from tatm.data import get_dataset, torch_collate_fn
arxiv_dataset = get_dataset("./tokenized_redpj_arxiv", context_length=1024)
len(arxiv_dataset) # number of examples in set
# 35651584
# 36507222016
# 34
# 32100
# Note that the output will vary depending on the dataset and the tokenization process as the order documents are tokenized may vary.
# TatmMemmapDatasetItem(
#    token_ids=array([    7,    16,     8, ..., 14780,     8,  2537], dtype=uint16), 
#    document_ids=array([0, 0, 0, ..., 1, 1, 1], dtype=uint16)
# )

dataloader = DataLoader(arxiv_dataset, batch_size=4, collate_fn=torch_collate_fn)
# {'token_ids': tensor([[    3,     2, 14309,  ...,  1644,  4179,    16],
#         [ 3731,  3229,     2,  ...,    15,     2,     3],
#         [    2, 14309,     2,  ...,   356,     5, 22218],
#         [    7,    16,     8,  ..., 14780,     8,  2537]], dtype=torch.uint16), 
#    'document_ids': tensor([[0, 0, 0,  ..., 0, 0, 0],
#         [0, 0, 0,  ..., 0, 0, 0],
#         [0, 0, 0,  ..., 0, 0, 0],
#         [0, 0, 0,  ..., 1, 1, 1]], dtype=torch.uint16)}

Fields in the TatmMemmapDatasetItem object include:

  • token_ids: The tokenized text data

  • document_ids (Optional): The document ids for each token. We use example packing to ease the processing of the data in the LLM. To support document masking, we include the document ids for each token in the dataset. Included by default to support document masking.

  • document_mask (Optional): A boolean attention mask that can be used for causal data masking. This masks tokens that are not part of the same document as the current token, as well as tokens that should not be considered in a given token’s attention calculation. Excluded by default for performance reasons.

For more information on how to use the tatm.data.TatmMemmapDataset class, see the Data documentation.

The provided torch_collate_fn function is used to collate the data into a batch for training. The function will create stacked tensors or lists for the fields in the returned TatmMemmapDatasetItem object and return a dictionary with the same key names as the dataset item pointing to the stacked items.